Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole Love her or hate her you can not deny her rapid climb into the world of fashion and celebrity. She was once just a normal teenage girl with no stylists or hair and make-up artists she looked not so dissimilar from you or I. So how did this girl become the iconic beauty she is today? I love cheryl but haven't jumped on the band-wagon and actually liked her as soon as I saw her in pop stars! I think she has done so well and is so successful to say she is one of the lesser singers in Girls Aloud. She has come throughh racial allegations and the adultery of her world famous footballer husband yet she is more than a wag she is Cheryl Cole. She has made a name for herself and has become a credible icon for girls everywhere.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009


Dubai is producing the world's first underwater luxury hotel. It is about 66ft below the surface and will have around 220 suites. It looks amazing and will bring new ideas to a room with a view. I think it looks amazing and would love to go and see it although i'm not sure I would like to stay in it. I am sure it is perfectly safe however I do have my reservations as everything goes up so quickly there!

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Creates jewellery out of Barbie and her body Parts very Weird and disturbing yet quite creative. The website is full of interesting jewellery pieces. I am quite interested to know how many people actually buy these items. I came across this whilst looking up things for my research for my EMP. I find it really interesting and have never really thought about using Barbie as a form of jewellery.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Danielle Hobbs Photography.

I found this blog by accident but I liked what I saw so looked at the Website of Danielle Hobbs. I was typing my blog into google and this named popped up instead. I am pleased about this happy accident because I really like her photography. It is very family orientated and many of the images are babies and children. Hobbs manages to capture such amazing images and they are such great innovative portraits. I love the style of her work and I will definitely be keeping an eye on what she does in the future. Something fun and quirky to look at also a great source of inspiration especially to me as I love photography and like taking great pictures.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Tiphanie Brooke

I found this and thought it was very cool. Her website has some amazing illustrations and I find them so inspiring. The context of the images are very fashion and beauty in their nature. I love the fashion imagery that she uses and juxtaopposes them with different mediums. Def worth a look.